Metashape Standard Training Course 5 User Pack – Endorsed by Agisoft

£1,800.00 £1,500.00 excluding VAT


This self paced and modular course draws extensively on José’s years of working with photogrammetry and Metashape Professional – the online course is endorsed by none other than Agisoft themselves and permits 5 named users to the course and material.

The course is aimed at forensic users of photogrammetry and anyone requiring deeper knowledge.  The goal is to teach everyone how to extract the best possible results from Metashape Standard software and includes real-world examples.

With  regular quizzes to test knowledge progress and feedback students will be equipped with a deeper understanding of photogrammetry and efficient use of Metashape.

We are naturally proud of the endorsement of this course by none other than Agisoft and we are extremely grateful for their continuing support in ensuring professional users of Metashape Standard edition extract as much value as possible from the software.

Please contact us for discounts on bulk purchases.



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